let a tiny little wish be buiLt like a giant heaven
thirteen baLLoons are fLying with sapphire bLue hopes
we are by your side on the way whiLe you are looking for your dreams
no matter what future may bring, we wiLL stiLL cLapping hands for you.
behoLd! that the end of the sapphire bLue ocean.
you are fLipping your white wings
and fuLfiLLing your sapphire hope on your own gLittering stage
to look up and watch the sapphire bLue sky in the crowds
and there is a gracefuL rainbow that's weaved by thirteen different coLours
we stay in your heart be with you as aLways hand in hand
despites any disastrous hurricanes
we are on your side forever and ever, to wish you happiness sicereLy,
to be your guidance angeL with aLL our hearts, let us hoLd hands,
fLy towards the sapphire bLue sky..
to look up and watch the sapphire bLue sky in the crowds
and there is a gracefuL rainbow that's weaved by thirteen different coLours
we stay in your heart be with you as aLways hand in hand
despites any disastrous hurricanes
we are on your side forever and ever, to wish you happiness sicereLy,
to be your guidance angeL with aLL our hearts, let us hoLd hands,
fLy towards the sapphire bLue sky..
your heart becomes so warm because of us, be tough because of us,
and because of us, you wiLL never be lonesome any more..
we stay in your heart be with you as aLways hand in hand
despites any disastrous hurricanes
we are on your side forever and ever, to wish you happiness sicereLy,
to be your guidance angeL with aLL our hearts, let us hoLd hands,
fLy towards the sapphire bLue happiness kingdom..
aaaaaaa kerenn ♥ ♥ ♥
videonya juga kerenn. ad suju lagi nangis.. uLjima oppa! ♥