countdown :D
you tell me this is for the best,
so tell me why am i in tears,
so far away and now i just need you here, daddy
please don"t go, stay by my side :'(
Nangiss ber3
Manndii ber3
Jalaann ber3
Sikat ggi ber3
Ngbrol ber3
Apa nanti smuanya bkal trus ber3?
Msti ngbiasain ber3,
soalnya pas masuk udh ga br5 lagi :'(
perpisahan 2010 :) :'(
Heyy heyy blog! udh maless nulis blog sbnernya.
Tp ad yg mauu gw critain!! :)
14 juni 2010
Gw sma temen2 gw 1 angkatan + kls 12 prpisahan k jogja :)
Ktaa ngumpul d skolah jem 5an dan baru brgkt jem 6an *seperti biasa, ngarett --"
Truss jalan dehh k jogja. Ad bngku yg b3 sm b2.
Gw karyn linda duduk d bngku yg b3, rege fefe d bngku sblhnya ber2 :D
Malem jem 10 kta bru nympe grand rosela soalnya brenti2 mlu, wkwk
Nyampe2 pd tepar, tp gw ga bsa tdur.
Ywda gw smsan aja smbil ntn fifa sndri.
Kan skamar cuma blh 3orng, gw skamar sm linda rege.
Fefe karyn sm joce skamar jg tp quinn ngungsi, jd mreka b4 :)
Linda rege udh tdur trs pas gw lg smsan si xiena sms ngjak2 jalan2 kluar
Ywda jalan2 d k kolam renang trus duduk2 d bangkunya.
Pas jem 2an balik k kamar gw. Ngirim2 theme, trus gw ktduran d pas xiena lg ngoce2 wkkwk :D
Bngun2 jem 5an, xiena udh gada ywda gw bles sms trus tdur lg :)
15 juni 2010
Bngun2 mandi trus linda msh tdur kaya kebo.
Trus dsruh sarapan, jm 7an udh dsru msuk bis, kta blom mkan
Ywda msukk aja deh, tujuann prtama k borobudur.
Panaspanas d borobudur jd mls naek, lagian gw udh prnh, cape dan gada apa2
Ywda kan dbagi klompok, klompok gw naik kreta yg buat kliling candi
Tetep aja brentinya d dpn candi jg, akhirnya temen2 gw naek.
Mau gamau gw naek jg drpd nggu sndri
Pas bru naek tangga2 prtama si karyn udh kcapean. Ckck
Ywda ga jd naek. Tp linda rege novy vina msh mau naik
Ywda gw sm karyn michelle nggu aja dbwh candi smbil ngadem
Trus kta foto2.
Abis dr borobudur mau k monumen jogja.
Tp ad anak ilang dan dy gada hape, trpaksa nyari smpe aga lama.
Jdwal brantakan dan ga jd k monumen jogja.
Gtau msti sneng ap sdih, wkwk mls sih k monumen jogja. Wkwk
Trus lanjut k dagadu, makan d bis.
Abis dri dagadu k malioboro
Sumpah panas bgt kringetan tp bnyak kaos babymilo lucu2 wkwk :D
Dri malioboro pulang deh k hotel, trus mandi dan ikut acara prpisahan.
D acaranya maen game2 gtu. Trus kls gw juara 3 game tebak lagu.
Tp dbagi lg klompok2 ber7 gw msuk klompok kambing.
Gamenya kaki diiket dempet trus diantara kpala kta jepit balon supaya ga jatoh.
Klompok gw juara 1 lohh :) truss dpt mug :D
Abiss game, kta msukk k kamar. Tdurr ber5 :D
Sblm tdur ngrjain orang2 wkwk
Telp2 k kamar orng lain trus nanya2 mo pesen apa buat sarapan bsok
Hahahahaha. Pd prcya. Linda sama fefe yg nelp2 gw karyn sm rege cuma ktwa2 doang wwkwk
Cape ketawa pd tdur.
16 juni 2010
pagi2 bngun gw jalan2 sm fefe rege, karyn linda msh molor.
Jalan2 liatin orng2 pd brenagn. Trus mandi deh.
Abis mandi jalan2 lg.
Trus jem 10an kta smua check-out dri hotelnya trus otw k keraton.
Sumpaahhh dehh d keraton ga seru banget banget. Ga jelas ngapain, panas!
Abiss dri keraton k tmpat bakpia sma tmpat bli souvenir, makan trus k pantaii. K parangtritis :)
D pantai kta main ombak tp ombaknya gde2 kaya narik2 gtu pdhl ga k latt banget! Serem ==
Abiss dri pantai gw karyn sm rege mau mandi. Tp toiletnya serem.
Ywda jdnya mndi ber3 deh hha. Abiss dri stu k resto tp bru nympe jem stengah 11. Makan malem jm sgtu. Ckck
Truss gw smpet2in ngcas abis udh lowbat padahal msh smaleman + jm 3 sore bru nympe sekolah.
Ngcas tp ga full smpe 85% Doangg.
Trus jem 12an msuk bis lagi otw pulang.
Pas bru msuk bis gw tdur, trus bngun dan sampe pagi ga tdur sm skali. Bisnya ngbut2 nyeremin bgt! Smpe miring2 gtu.
Kalo liat k jalan ga gtu krasa miringnya tp gw takut liat pnmpakan ==
17 juni 2010
Jem stengah 5 smpe tasik, sarapan! Ckckck mkan malem smalem itu, mkan pagi spagi itu.
Truss pas nympe gw kluarin koper dan mandi. Mandi barreng rege.
Udh mandi bru makan, msh msti nggu sma soalnya bis mrk telat. Nggu brp jem gtu smpe hp gw lg ngcas aja full.
Kta nggu smbil maen congklak yg ad d restonya wkwk.
Bis sma bru dteng, nggu mrk pd mandi trus makan, bru deh otw pulang
Pdhl hrusnya sblm pulang k bandung dlu!!! Tapi kta grunya udh pd cape.
Sumpahh d ga pngen bgt cpet pulang!! Gw mauu lama dsana, msh mau ber5, msh mau sm temen2
Rasanya ga mau pulang, gw sayang kalian :'(
Akhirnya jm 3an nympe skolah juga deh.
Gw lngsung msuk mobil, ad nykp, malu kalo ngs dpn nykp hha.
Dmbl gw liat rege fefe karyn linda lg ngs, jd pngen ngs bgt :'(
Pas fefe linda jalan gtu gw kluar aja. Ngs ber5 kaya ank babi --a
Coba aja gw bsa muter waktu, gw mau balik k jogja sneng2 lg sma smuanya,
Gw mauu balik k kls 8!!! Pas kta ber5 sekelas, seruu bgt!!! Ngapa2in bareng2 ber5 :'(
Unforgettable moment ever :( love you!
blog gw trlantar ( lagi )
bukannya gatau mo nulis apa.
tp ga kpikiran buat nulis blog lagi --a
graduationnyaaa SMP
hahhahahahahahahahahaa. akhirnya graduation jga :D
jd ga perLu dtg k skoLa lg, latian2 lg :) wkwkwkwk.
graduationnya kemaren, tgL 8mei *teLat bgt bru nLis skrg
dsruh dtng jm 7.30 gatau dsruh ngpain dLu, tp gw bru bngun jem 7.40an
trus brangkat k skoLa jem 8an nympe hampir jem stgh 9 :P
trnyataaaaaaaaaaaaa DI SEKOLAH CUMA FOTO 1-1
jd mo dteng jm 10 jg gapapa kaLi. ckckckckkckckckck --a
abis itu acaranya muLai jem 10 pagi. aneh bgt pagi2 bgtu.
SMA aja jem 6-an gtu. seLesaii jem 12 truss ujan gde ^^
kryn, fe2, linda rege ksh frame gtu, hadiah uLtah,
trus kta hias2 framenya dtuLis2 pke gLiter2 gtu :D
todayy ^^
todayy is my birthdayy!!
harii ini juga pngumuman kLuLusann.
katanya mo muLai teLp jem 10 trnyta ngaret 1jem
jem 11an nmor absen 1 bru dksh tauu.
trus 9a dksh tau dLuann bru 9b ==!
gw kn9b truss nomor absen dh dket2 akhir puLa. bzz
trus pas 9a udh smuaa bru 9b truss udh gw nggu lamaaa bgt,
ga ad teLp2 juga, boro2 dr skoLa, tu teLp rumah aja ga bunyi sm skaLi.
truss katanya yg absennya stLh gw sma yg absen pLing akhir aj ud dteLp.
GW BELOM SAMA SKALI!! udh stress bgt tu --a
soaLnya yg ga lulus ga dteLp tp d datengin rumahnya, SEREM BGT GW!
bner2 stress, smua yg gw tnya biLang kLo mreka udh d teLp.
ckckckkckckk. truss smua yg smsan sm gw bLng sabar2 tp tetep aja tkut T^T
truss hery biLang teLp skoLa aja, truss dio kasih numb yg teLp dy,
udh nangis tu gw bner2 takut ga lulus. ywda gw teLp k num yg dio ksh.
tp pas udh nyambung ga jadi novy sms ksh nomor bu norma, ywd gw teLp.
truss kata bu norma gw lulus, ktanya hp gw dteLp ga nyambung --a
ktanya mo dteLp krumahh trnyata mLah k hp. org hpnya gw pke smsan
smpe 9orang jd ga brenti2 pantes aja teLpnya ga nyambung. bzz!
tp akhirnya lulus jugaa ^^ senengg kok :)
niLainya jg ga hancur2 amat :]
indoo 94, inggris 90, math 80, ipa 82,5 YEIIYY!! THX GOD ^^
tomorrow :)
tomorrow i'm 15 ^^
besookkk juga pngumuman kLuLusann!
smoga lulus!! fighting! hwaiting! ganbatte! berjuang! xP
dufann :)
k dufann sama karyn, lindaa, rege, phanie, lia, ceLai, erikk, sayang gada fe2 ><"
nyampe dufann jem 12an truss langsung pd naek kicir2 gw sama karyn ga ikut soaLnya serem.
trus abis tu naeik jetcoaster, truss naek tornado huee SEREM BANGET! sesat tu org2
ktanya ga serem, hiks. pas dbawa naek tu seat beLt kaya ga knceng gtu, jd bdannya dh kaya mo jatohh, ckckckkck. abis tornado naik poci2 cuma diputer2 doang d cangkir, panass banget pusing puLa, bner2 ga enak naik itu, abis itu masuk rumah kaca sama rumah miring, drumah miring pusing banget --" abis tu naik pontang2 sma 1 lg yg buLet miring2 d sbLh pontang2 itu gatau namanya apa, wkwk bru abis itu journey to the center of the earth, ngantri itu stengah jem pdhL ga gtu krasa, tp gpp, josh hutchersonnya keren :) wkwkwkkw trus main haLiLintar deh, abis haLiLintar baru main arung jeram smpe 2x basahh banget --" trus basah2an naik ontang anting, seremm --a diayun2 gw takut jatoh tauu ==" pas udh rada2 kering abis diayun2 maLah naik niagara, aneh2. niagaranya ga kerasa, kecepetan --a truss baru deh naik kora2 smpe 3x sarapp!
pusingg banget, maunya duduk dbLkg tp ga kbagian tempat dbLkg diisi orang mLu. pas udh naik 3x dksh tau kLo dufan 20mnt lg mo tutup trus kta bLi snowie ice, enakk ^~^ gw psen yg appLe sama kiwi :) enak enak enak! mauu lagi >< !
truss trakhir2 baru deh naik biangLaLa, keren liat kebawah pas maLem2 gituu. truss pas seLesai naik biangLaLa smua wahana dtutup, kta fto2 sama badut dufann bru kLuar dufan dehh, trus naik shuttLe bus k pantaii, pantai maLem2 sepi, jd cuma makan d AW
abis tu bru ganti baju*teLat bgt udh stgh kering bru gnt bju --a truss puLang deh!
harii ini gw bngun bdan gw pd sakit kaki lecet2 =_________________________=
graduationnyaaa SMA
harii nii ngpas sragam k skoLaa. udh mauu SMA. wii *norakk =="
tdnyaa ga mo datengg mo pesen S aja, tpi nykp sm heLn jg mo kmoL, yauda ikut ajja.
truss abis ngpas gw mLs kmoL, jd krumahh karyn ajaa jem 5 bru ikut dy k skoLa lg.
pas nympe drumahnya tdr2an, trus jaLan k indomart, trus bLi ice cream, lays, dll
abiss tu jaLan2 krumah novy tp pas nympe novynnya ga adaa
yauda maen sama chiko anjingnya si novy wkk
truss maen ayunan d taman smping rmh novy bru puLang,
keujanan dkit bruu nympe, trus siap2 k skoLa lagi jem 5an prgi
abiss nympe d skoLa k dea. mLs ikut acaranyaa
bru jem 7 kurang seLesaii tp ad moto2 dLu jem stgh 8 bru puLang hp lowbat.
huueekkk I HATE LOWBAT!!
my fave quotes ^^
It’s not IMPOSSIBLE, it’s just DIFFICULT.
It’s not that I’M NOT TRYING, it’s just I DON’T KNOW HOW.
nothing impossible :)
You can’t spell together without HER. You can’t spell hero without HER. You can’t spell father without HER.
Let’s flip a coin. Heads I’m yours, and tails you’re mine.
Love is everywhere, even in your messy life.
Forgetting someone you love is like remembering someone you never know.
I love you for all things you do, but most of all I love you for being who you’re
A true friend will never fail you when you need a friend the most.
Everytime I see the keyboard, U and I are always together.
You will go home and you will sleep well. But I will be here thinking, ‘Will you ever dream of me?’
Tears may fall down, but never let them fall down too much, wipe your tears, face everything with a smile.
Friends are angels you can always be with.
You know its love when however far the distance is, they still can make you smile.
Friendship is like a rainbow, it has different colours, but is still beautiful.
False friends are like your shadow,
they follow you in the sun, but leave your side when it gets dark
Once you get a best friend, make sure you won't lose them over your own stupidity.
Love teaches us to be happy, sad, laugh, and cry all at the same time
Good friend's like a computer : Enters your life, Saves you in the heart, Formats your problems, & never Deletes you from Memory.
If the sky is made of paper & the ocean is made of ink..I guess I still won't be able to describe how much I love you.
Nothing hurts more than loving someone who doesn't love you,
missing someone who doesn't miss you.
i HATE 29apriL 2010
hhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk =="
gw benci kemaren!! tepatnya 29apriL 2010 ==!
dari prtama bngun pagi dh pusing banget, abis mandi tmbh pusing.
trus gw smsan mLah jg gateL2 gatau kenapa, trus gw mandi lagi aja.
pdhL pusing, trus gw tidur bangun2 msh pusing.
sampe maLem tetep pusing. trus duitnya bokap gw 800rb iLang gara2 gw.
truss pas mo tidur gabisa tidur trus pas udh tidur jem 3 pagi bngun lagi,
sampe jem stgh6 pagi baru bsa tidur lagi, jem stgh 9 mandi dh.
rese ahh!
viruss siaLann!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hiks hiks! pke inet broadband bner2 trsiksaa
T__________________________T hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuueeeeeee!
biasanyaa kn gw pke speedy d komp, tapii kompnya rusakk gara2 virus siaLan ==!
trs bokap bLiin notebook + modemnya, gw pke 3, lelet bangettt!!!
speednya cuma 236,8 kbps padahaL biasa kLo pke speedy 100.000 kbps
bsa tdur gw nunggu loadingnya. BZZ.
udahh gtu kop gw itu udh ga bsa nyaLa! pdhL bnyak bgt fiLe gw yg ad dsna.
whahahhahahahahah. MV udh ratusan, lagu udh bnyaaakkkk bgt + foto2
huuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeee nyaLa kek 1jem aja gw copy smua k fd.
abiiss itu tu komp ga mo nyaLa lg jg gapapa T^T
bener2 ga bsa ngebayangin dL pke ni 3 seLama apa ==!
buka fb aja lolaaaa bangett! ckckckckkkcck T^T
one less lonely girl
yeyeyeyyeii bLog gw dh ganti laguu lagi. ahah!
Alright let's go
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (ha)
How many I told you’s and start overs
And shoulders have you cried on before
How many promises be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor
How many bags you packed
Just to take ‘em back tell me that
How many either or's but no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be the one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you)
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what you're worth (That's what I'm gonna do)
If you let me inside your world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
Christmas wasn’t merry, 14th of February not one of them spent with you
How many dinner dates set dinner plates and
He didn’t even touch his food
How many torn photographs saw you taping back
Tell me that couldn’t see an open door
But no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces
Before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in this world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(There's gonna be) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first
(I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you’re worth
(Thats what I'm gunna do)If you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe (yeah)
I just wanna set one girl free to fall,
Free to fall (she's free to fall)
Fall in love
With me
Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the key
I’ll take her and leave the world with one less lonely girl
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
Theres gunna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gunna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what your worth (That's what I gotta do)
If you let me inside your world
There's gunna be one less lonely girl
7meii :D
heyy heyy bLog bLog !!
huuaaahhh --" bayangin! udahh 5 harii gw liburr ~
astaaaggaaaa ==" bener2 parahh! huueee.
M E N D E R I T A gw. hiks!
harusnya harii ini gw kerumah lindaa,
tapi ga bsa ( baca : maLess :P )
tdinyaa hari ini mo k saLon, mo nyari kebaya (?)
buat graduationnya heLn, wkakakakkaa. kebaya --a
hari ini SMA pengumuman hasiL ujian!
kaLo SMP tgL 7 meii ~ sama kaya uLtahh gw lohh *hihi --a
smogaa gw lulus yahh! kaLo nga lulus bakaL jd kado paLing burukk
yg bakaL gw inget seumur hidup kaLi tuhh. whahahahaa ==a
miss you a lot xD
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bLogg!! long time no see !!
monitorr komp gw rusakk ~ errrr ~
banyakk bangett yg mauu gw tuLis, spe bingung --a
18 apriL 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY JESSICA JUNG!! semoga tambah jeLekk xP
19 apriL 2010
sepertinya takk ad yg penting,
tp kayanya ada dehh, gw ngepost "CACAT" tp gw lupaa knp ya gw nuLis bgtu --a
20 apriL 2010
praktekk hari terakhirr ~
mandarinn sama indoo.
truss puLangnya krumaa linda, rege, karyn, fe2, linda, joce
pada ntn saw IV. seremm gw tkudd ga bsaa tdurrr,
ywda gw ga ikut ntn, bca noveL ajaa. hahah
21 apriL 2010
harii kartini! wkwkwkkwk
dsruuu masukk buat upacara doang, wth --a
tp gw tetepp masukk, scara HARI TRAKHIR MASUKK!!
truss besoknya liburrr!!! masuk2 udh SMA!! cpet banget!!
staunn ga krasaa!!!
puLang dri stu kta kmoL br5!
mkan, nonton saLomon king, bguss tu fiLm, prtmanya hmpir tdur gw nontonnya,
wakakakakaakaa. abiss tu mkan yougurt, trus jLn2 bLi tas sama kutex,
herann dehh, skrg karyn ska pke kutex. wahahahahaa.
truss abis tu jLn2 bLi ice cream tp fe2 rege linda dh puLang tinggaL gw sm karyn.
abisss itu jem 5an puLangg deh.
22 apriL 2010
hari pertama libur >> udah bosen!
astaga --apa sihh mau gw? libur udh gw tunggu2in stgh taun!
gLiran libur hari prtama udh bosen. CKCKCKCKK.
tpii tetep seneng, ahahahhaa. mo jaLan2!!
weLL, kmrn tgL 22 ga ad ap2 yg trjadi sma gw, cuma kjedot skaLi.
whahahahahahahahhahahaa --a
23 apriL 2010 >> harii ini ~
nothing speciaL -,-
swt, huekk --"
truss di remedd, jd 28 detik. wakakkakakaa.
d e p r e s s e d !
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa musikk bner2 bikin gw depresiiii --"
seLeraa nyokapp gw @@~
tuhan toLong buang rasa cintaku jika tak kau inginkan aku bersamanya ~ ~ ~ ~
ckckkckkk --a
freakk >< !
ips seLesaaiii ~
uhh --" UAS ips lumayan lahh.
inggris suru nyari artikeL trus hafaL, mLs bgt --a
pkn seLesaiii ~ :)
harii ini UAS pkn, ga gtu bsa.
besokk UAS o.O
heemm ==" hari ini senen,
oiaaa!! SAENGILCUKHAE for our anchovy eunhyukk!!
wkwkkakakkakaa. SUPER JUNIOR HWAITINGG!! ~
justin drew bieber :)

apa yg msti gw tuLis dsini =="
hari 4
hari trakhir UN = IPA
without k-pop. woo xP
lagu2 yg lagi gw suka sekarang ^^
hari 3
harii ini : math!
hari 2
harii k2 UN x_x inggriss!
Why, do you always do this to me?
Why, couldn't you just see through me?
How come, you act like this
Like you just don't care at all
Do you expect me to believe I was the only one to fall?
I can feel, I can feel you near me, even though you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
Hey, listen to what we're not saying
Let's play, a different game than what we're playing
Try, to look at me and really see my heart
Do you expect me to believe I'm gonna let us fall apart?
I can feel, I can feel you near me, even when you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
So go and think about whatever you need to think about
Go on and dream about whatever you need to dream about
And come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel
I can feel, I can feel you near me, even though you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why?
hari 1
hari prtama UN = indoo --"
anehanehaneh ><"
ihh knapa yaa beLakangan ini kok gw jd sering stengah (?) tdur dmana2.
cn bLue >< !

freakk T^T
hueee >< !
22 againn ~
harii ini lagi2 tgL 22 *sigh ==a
7 days left :)
harii minggu ~ besokk masukk T^T
rapot ~
bosaannn >< !
dy juga sering prgi2 kok, bzz.
TO ~
hueee >< !
run deviL run
harii ini : 18 maret 2010 ~ mv snsd yg run deviL run keLuarr ~
1. G-Dragon Bigbang (896 votes)
2. Jang Geun Seok and Lee Minho (860 votes)
3. Donghae Super Junior (823 votes)
4. Nichkhun 2PM (756 votes)
5. T.O.P Bigbang (718 votes)
6. Minho SHINee (624 votes)
7. Daesung Bigbang (543 votes)
8. Hongki FT Island (517 votes)
9. Yunho TVXQ (456 votes)
10. Yonghwa CN Blue (319 votes)
11. Jae Joong TVXQ (314 votes)
12. Taemin SHINee (298 votes)
13. Hyun Joong SS501 (295 votes)
14. Seungri Bigbang (291 votes)
15. Thunder MBLAQ (288 votes)
16. Heechul Super Junior (285 votes)
17. Taeyang Bigbang (279 votes)
18. Taecyeon 2PM (264 votes)
19. Leeteuk Super Junior (256 votes)
20. Jonghoon FT Island (245 votes)
besokk masukk >< !
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. reaLLy reaLLy reaLLy HATE YOU!!!
3 harii bersama pengpaii :)
kamis : kmoL sama linda,fe2,rege,karyn.
baju snsd lucu2 :D

SME menyatakan kalau pengeluaran mereka untuk budget kostum SNSD selama tahun 2009 lalu adalah sekitar 1 Milyar (Billion) Won! Atau setara dengan USD 860rb atau 8,6 Milyar Rupiah! Semua pengeluaran pakaian yang dimaksud adalah pakaian untuk keperluan syuting MV, stage performances, dan live performances lainnya. Tahun 2009, SNSD mengeluarkan 2 single Gee dan Genie yang jadi hits dan di setiap rilis lagu, mereka selalu ganti tema gaya. Kalau di Gee mereka tampil dengan skinny jeans dan shorts warna-warni, pas di Genie mereka tampil ala tentara lengkap dengan seragamnya.
Kalau dihitung bebas, semua anggota Soshi pastinya dikasih outfit masing-masing, jadi setiap style harus disediakan 9 setel baju. Mereka bisa tampil, selama 2009, selama 100 kali, dan itu berarti stylistnya harus menyediakan 900 setel. Belum lagi kalau dibudgetkan per setel seharga 500rb Won (sekitar 4 juta rupiah), itu sudah bisa mencapai 450 rb won… dan.. Soshi tampil lebih dari 200 kali dalam 2009.
AHAH ! nice ! mahaL bangett >~< !