It’s not IMPOSSIBLE, it’s just DIFFICULT.
It’s not that I’M NOT TRYING, it’s just I DON’T KNOW HOW.
nothing impossible :)
You can’t spell together without HER. You can’t spell hero without HER. You can’t spell father without HER.
Let’s flip a coin. Heads I’m yours, and tails you’re mine.
Love is everywhere, even in your messy life.
Forgetting someone you love is like remembering someone you never know.
I love you for all things you do, but most of all I love you for being who you’re
A true friend will never fail you when you need a friend the most.
Everytime I see the keyboard, U and I are always together.
You will go home and you will sleep well. But I will be here thinking, ‘Will you ever dream of me?’
Tears may fall down, but never let them fall down too much, wipe your tears, face everything with a smile.
Friends are angels you can always be with.
You know its love when however far the distance is, they still can make you smile.
Friendship is like a rainbow, it has different colours, but is still beautiful.
False friends are like your shadow,
they follow you in the sun, but leave your side when it gets dark
Once you get a best friend, make sure you won't lose them over your own stupidity.
Love teaches us to be happy, sad, laugh, and cry all at the same time
Good friend's like a computer : Enters your life, Saves you in the heart, Formats your problems, & never Deletes you from Memory.
If the sky is made of paper & the ocean is made of ink..I guess I still won't be able to describe how much I love you.
Nothing hurts more than loving someone who doesn't love you,
missing someone who doesn't miss you.
countdown :D
my fave quotes ^^
i HATE 29apriL 2010
hhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk =="
gw benci kemaren!! tepatnya 29apriL 2010 ==!
dari prtama bngun pagi dh pusing banget, abis mandi tmbh pusing.
trus gw smsan mLah jg gateL2 gatau kenapa, trus gw mandi lagi aja.
pdhL pusing, trus gw tidur bangun2 msh pusing.
sampe maLem tetep pusing. trus duitnya bokap gw 800rb iLang gara2 gw.
truss pas mo tidur gabisa tidur trus pas udh tidur jem 3 pagi bngun lagi,
sampe jem stgh6 pagi baru bsa tidur lagi, jem stgh 9 mandi dh.
rese ahh!
viruss siaLann!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hiks hiks! pke inet broadband bner2 trsiksaa
T__________________________T hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuueeeeeee!
biasanyaa kn gw pke speedy d komp, tapii kompnya rusakk gara2 virus siaLan ==!
trs bokap bLiin notebook + modemnya, gw pke 3, lelet bangettt!!!
speednya cuma 236,8 kbps padahaL biasa kLo pke speedy 100.000 kbps
bsa tdur gw nunggu loadingnya. BZZ.
udahh gtu kop gw itu udh ga bsa nyaLa! pdhL bnyak bgt fiLe gw yg ad dsna.
whahahhahahahahah. MV udh ratusan, lagu udh bnyaaakkkk bgt + foto2
huuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeee nyaLa kek 1jem aja gw copy smua k fd.
abiiss itu tu komp ga mo nyaLa lg jg gapapa T^T
bener2 ga bsa ngebayangin dL pke ni 3 seLama apa ==!
buka fb aja lolaaaa bangett! ckckckckkkcck T^T
one less lonely girl
yeyeyeyyeii bLog gw dh ganti laguu lagi. ahah!
Alright let's go
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (ha)
How many I told you’s and start overs
And shoulders have you cried on before
How many promises be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor
How many bags you packed
Just to take ‘em back tell me that
How many either or's but no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be the one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you)
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what you're worth (That's what I'm gonna do)
If you let me inside your world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
Christmas wasn’t merry, 14th of February not one of them spent with you
How many dinner dates set dinner plates and
He didn’t even touch his food
How many torn photographs saw you taping back
Tell me that couldn’t see an open door
But no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl
Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces
Before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in this world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(There's gonna be) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first
(I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you’re worth
(Thats what I'm gunna do)If you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe (yeah)
I just wanna set one girl free to fall,
Free to fall (she's free to fall)
Fall in love
With me
Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the key
I’ll take her and leave the world with one less lonely girl
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
Theres gunna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gunna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what your worth (That's what I gotta do)
If you let me inside your world
There's gunna be one less lonely girl
7meii :D
heyy heyy bLog bLog !!
huuaaahhh --" bayangin! udahh 5 harii gw liburr ~
astaaaggaaaa ==" bener2 parahh! huueee.
M E N D E R I T A gw. hiks!
harusnya harii ini gw kerumah lindaa,
tapi ga bsa ( baca : maLess :P )
tdinyaa hari ini mo k saLon, mo nyari kebaya (?)
buat graduationnya heLn, wkakakakkaa. kebaya --a
hari ini SMA pengumuman hasiL ujian!
kaLo SMP tgL 7 meii ~ sama kaya uLtahh gw lohh *hihi --a
smogaa gw lulus yahh! kaLo nga lulus bakaL jd kado paLing burukk
yg bakaL gw inget seumur hidup kaLi tuhh. whahahahaa ==a
miss you a lot xD
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bLogg!! long time no see !!
monitorr komp gw rusakk ~ errrr ~
banyakk bangett yg mauu gw tuLis, spe bingung --a
18 apriL 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY JESSICA JUNG!! semoga tambah jeLekk xP
19 apriL 2010
sepertinya takk ad yg penting,
tp kayanya ada dehh, gw ngepost "CACAT" tp gw lupaa knp ya gw nuLis bgtu --a
20 apriL 2010
praktekk hari terakhirr ~
mandarinn sama indoo.
truss puLangnya krumaa linda, rege, karyn, fe2, linda, joce
pada ntn saw IV. seremm gw tkudd ga bsaa tdurrr,
ywda gw ga ikut ntn, bca noveL ajaa. hahah
21 apriL 2010
harii kartini! wkwkwkkwk
dsruuu masukk buat upacara doang, wth --a
tp gw tetepp masukk, scara HARI TRAKHIR MASUKK!!
truss besoknya liburrr!!! masuk2 udh SMA!! cpet banget!!
staunn ga krasaa!!!
puLang dri stu kta kmoL br5!
mkan, nonton saLomon king, bguss tu fiLm, prtmanya hmpir tdur gw nontonnya,
wakakakakaakaa. abiss tu mkan yougurt, trus jLn2 bLi tas sama kutex,
herann dehh, skrg karyn ska pke kutex. wahahahahaa.
truss abis tu jLn2 bLi ice cream tp fe2 rege linda dh puLang tinggaL gw sm karyn.
abisss itu jem 5an puLangg deh.
22 apriL 2010
hari pertama libur >> udah bosen!
astaga --apa sihh mau gw? libur udh gw tunggu2in stgh taun!
gLiran libur hari prtama udh bosen. CKCKCKCKK.
tpii tetep seneng, ahahahhaa. mo jaLan2!!
weLL, kmrn tgL 22 ga ad ap2 yg trjadi sma gw, cuma kjedot skaLi.
whahahahahahahahhahahaa --a
23 apriL 2010 >> harii ini ~
nothing speciaL -,-
swt, huekk --"
truss di remedd, jd 28 detik. wakakkakakaa.
d e p r e s s e d !
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa musikk bner2 bikin gw depresiiii --"
seLeraa nyokapp gw @@~
tuhan toLong buang rasa cintaku jika tak kau inginkan aku bersamanya ~ ~ ~ ~
ckckkckkk --a
freakk >< !
ips seLesaaiii ~
uhh --" UAS ips lumayan lahh.
inggris suru nyari artikeL trus hafaL, mLs bgt --a
pkn seLesaiii ~ :)
harii ini UAS pkn, ga gtu bsa.
besokk UAS o.O
heemm ==" hari ini senen,
oiaaa!! SAENGILCUKHAE for our anchovy eunhyukk!!
wkwkkakakkakaa. SUPER JUNIOR HWAITINGG!! ~
justin drew bieber :)

apa yg msti gw tuLis dsini =="